Wednesday, February 04, 2009


w00t! No, seriously: w00t!

1. DeAngelo Benton

2. Emory Blake

3. No surprise decommitments. Not one. (Yes, Brandon Heavens went to MSU. If he qualifies and winds up on campus this fall, good for him. But if he doesn't, no harm done ... and if Stallworth and James wind up being one iota worse anyway, it'll be a surprise.) Evans and Coleman and Gaston all took looks elsewhere and came back to Auburn anyway.

4. 28 commits minus the two grayshirts (Cooper and Jackson) = 26, meaning that Auburn would have to go a perfect 26-for-26 on academic qualification to run into trouble. David Oku can, in all likelihood, squeeze in if he so chooses ... and the current indications are that he will so choose.

So could it have gone any better? No, not really. Obviously it would have been nice to snag Phillips, and we'll have to sign an entire team's worth of offensive linemen next year, but when you consider where this class was at the end of last December ... this is a stunning victory for this coaching staff. You'll have to forgive us Auburn fans is over the next few days we appear to be drooling slightly while going about our daily business--it's just that the thought of seeing what this staff could do with an entire year to recruit has us all salivating.

Plus: Clinton Durst!

Further analysis to come this afternoon, and thanks again to all who participated in the liveblog.

1 comment:

Loganville Tiger said...

Good job on the live blog today. I lurked on it most of the morning.

I thought AU got an exceptional class in light of the late start by the staff. Still might be a sleeper surprise out there for us.