Friday, January 02, 2009

Let's just get the Auburn news out of the way

Hope you enjoyed your New Year's, JCCW readers. I would say "Hey, things're lookin' up, 'cause things can't possibly be worse in 2009, can they?" Auburn-wise, no doubt about that (or at least, I'm telling myself that ... somewhow, even 4-8, 3-9 in 2009 would be a little more). But I can't really say anything too bad about 2008-at-large in the final analysis. I mean, I got hitched. I love my Auburn Tigers and all, and I know I'm like the only person I know who doesn't see 2008 as The Worst Year in the History of Years, but I can't hold too much of a grudge against 2008-at-large when it's got a check mark that large in the "pros" column. Sorry, '08-haters. But hey, here's to a 2009 that kicks as much ass on the football field as it does in Real Life.

Speaking of the football field and the focus of this blog, there's not much going on in Auburn world. But there's a couple of things, starting with ...

... North Alabama finally taking pity on the character hanging out by the overpass with a headset and a poster reading WILL BE HEAD COACH BUT ONLY HEAD COACH FOR FOOD. Kidding aside, I wish Bowden all the luck in the world, but the best part of this story is that Auburn fans will no longer have to surf the Interwebs and see another story detailing how our former coach is sleeping outside some AD's door with a dozen withered roses and a three-day beard. Godspeed, Terry. Godspeed, Lions.

Barkley. Look, he told us all this a long time ago: he's not a role model. We all know who Barkley is by now. He's a brilliant basketball player and NBA analyst, a generous contributor to the causes and institutions he cares for (Auburn included). But in his personal life, he's as self-destructive as they come and has been for a long time. Would it be awesome if he was making headlines for staying sober for a prolonged time or joining Gamblers Anonymous instead of headlines like these? Yes, yes it would be. But it's not happening. Barkley is Barkley, and if the more recent DUI-and-solicitation headlines continue to be sad, I don't see how anyone's surprised.

Hoops. They downed SE Louisiana without too much trouble, but the big news was that Arkansas win over Oklahoma the other day, since Auburn now has what's clearly an NCAA-worthy team in their division. That's two shots at securing a huge, huge win for the 'ol resume. With LSU not looking as pathetic as they had at the end of the Brady era, Auburn might actually get some traction out of a good performance in the SEC West, which I definitely did not expect when the season started.

Johnson? Jay is reporting that Ellis Johnson may be Chizik's choice for defensive coordinator. To which my knee-jerk reaction is: hey, man, fine by me. Johnson's got a crazy track record of SEC competence--never you mind the 'Cocks end-of-season collapse, fueled largely by quarterback turnovers and partially by tossing in the towel on a head coach in the death throes of his career--and between him and Chizik, I'd be stunned if Auburn took that much of a step back defensively on his watch. One caveat: Johnson's no spring chicken (spring 'Cock?) and I can't think he's going to have an overabundance of energy on the recruiting trail. Still, Auburn could do a lot worse.

Borges. It's not news, but I haven't addressed it, so: every single bit of luck I can wish is wished in Gorgeous Al's direction as he goes back to the Left Coast. May he find himself a quarterback with only one personality and a strong arm and ride him 'til the cows and the Mountain West title come home.

1 comment:

jagosaurus said...

I can't stop laughing at your write-up on Bowden. I don't think anything on the entire internet will be able to top that today.