Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Attention Georgia fans

Congratulations--at the behest of Georgia students, Dan Savage has just redefined "between the hedges" for an entire generation of Internet readers. (Link not entirely SFW.) I mean, after reading that, are you going to be able to hear "between the hedges" and avoid thinking of this new, wonderful/horrible alternate definition ever again?

I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to, but then again, whenever I do I'll be able to have yet quite a larf at UGA's expense, so it's a fair trade off.


Senator Blutarsky said...

Jerry, dare I ask what you were doing at that blog in the first place? ;)

JR Suicide said...

hahahahahaha. i am so using that.

Jerry Hinnen said...

Senator, "Savage Love"? That was required reading back in college.

Philip Arnold said...

Oh man I shouldn't have started reading at the top of that page. That second paragraph, I can't imagine what it was like for that father to be receiving that kind of advice...