Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sometimes Michigan is stupid

This is my car. Yesterday morning. April 6.

Ah, spring. That magical time of year when a young man's fancy turns to love, and all that.


JR Suicide said...

the only good thing about Michigan is that you can get a great deal on a flatscreen tv from a junkie in Flint.

if it makes you feel any better, we got some flurries in Athens today. global weirding dude.

Commish of Old Pimps said...

Is the State of Michigan really to blame? I mean, it's just a geographic territory defined by man made parameters with no volition. The same cannot be said for those who make the _____ decision to live there.

Just saying....

Jerry Hinnen said...

Wait, in Athens? That is weird.

Actually, Commish, the people I blame are ye olden settlers who couldn't figure out that there was a whole damn continent to the South just waiting to be settled instead of stopping here just south of AutomaticDeathWinter. Thus making it continuously settled until the present day, at which point it became possible for various factors to compel my moving here.

Commish of Old Pimps said...


Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Look it up in one of those uber smart books at the U of M library.


Unknown said...

of course, you & the mrs. JCCW could CHOOSE to return to the wonderful state of ALabama where your family ergerly awaits your return.....

Will Collier said...

Don't feel too bad. It snowed in Atlanta yesterday.

Okay, it was just a flurry for about 20 minutes and it didn't stick, but still...