Monday, September 22, 2008


Yes, we got in.

After approximately 1,700 miles of drivin' time, a three-day caloric intake Michael Phelps would be proud of (it's so nice to see you again, Chick-Fil-A/Guthrie's/barbecued ribs/copious amounts of beer), a frighteningly narrow escape from Nashville Gasoline Apocalypse 2008, and yet another Auburn-LSU epiclassic, your humble Auburn Blogger is safely--and somewhat sadly--back in Ann Arbor.

I don't know if it's good to be back, exactly--spending scarcely more than a day back in the Heart of Dixie felt way too brief, like a hurried lunch at the airport with the friend you haven't seen in years--but I'm glad I can get to work writing about yet another one of those college footbaw experiences I'll bore the tears out my grandchildren with someday. When you've just watched your first Auburn game in years and it happened to be a game like that one, it won't surprise you I feel like I could sit down and write 1,001 Auburnian Nights if I needed to.

The resumption of regular JCCW service will begin this afternoon, though, with the weekly knee-jerk's assessment of the game itself, and we'll get into the travellin' and emotin' later on. Whether I get around to the "well-written calls for coaches' heads" or not, you'll have to wait and see, but I'll get around to something fiarly shortly. Stay tuned.


Grotus' Acorn said...

Glad to see you got in, Jerry! Hope your Michiganer friends enjoyed their introduction to The Altar.

Make 'em eat boiled peanuts?

Unknown said...

Waiting with baited breath....

One small observation: The boys played tough, against one of the best (if not THE best) team in the nation. With the rest of the scheduled games looking different than they did in the preseason (UT<, WVU<, Vandy>, Ole Miss>, Bama>), the Tigers still have a chance to be 9-1 going into the Amen corner.

With our offense having a full season to gel, and our defense to shake off the loss to LSU, we could possibly be 10-1 facing a Bama team with an equal record in the Iron Bowl, with the winner going to Atlanta.

My kind of season, if you ask me.

War Eagle!

TigerShark said...


Big return for me too...this game was my first time back since I graduted in '93 and I flew in from the West coast, paid $170 per ticket and loved every second of it until about 6:30 left in the game...

first impression: wow! campus is incredibly more dense (the new Engineering bldg. is a shining example of how to integrate the new with our proud history).

Second: JH - that crowd had more energy than all the munitions dropped in all world conflicts to-date! Heartbreaking as it was I was damn proud of our fans and players; coaches, not-so-much. Headed back to for Tenn. game hoping we get at least 1 win out of this trip. Keep up the good work! WDE!

LeakBrewerGator said...

Man, I know how you feel. I hate making the trip to my Mecca only to leave the next day. It makes me wish I screwed around and stayed in college a lil longer.

I don't know about you, but whenever I look at Les Miles I just get the urge to throw something very hard at his face.

Jerry Hinnen said...

GA: Sadly, no. Should have, I guess, but we did have our share of southern delicacies as you could tell from the list.

Sully: I think it's going to be the same roller coaster ride we've been on the last couple of seasons. Lots of tight games, if we execute and get a good bounce here or there we could wind up in Atlanta, if we don't we could end up stuck at 8-4. I do think you're exactly right that UT and WVU's regressions are counterbalanced by Vandy and Ole Miss's--the schedule's about as touch as we thought it'd be when the season started.

TS: I'm totally in agreement about how they're developing campus, although it wasn't nearly as big a shock since I was in school there as recently as 2003. Once the new hoops arena gets built it's going to be even better.

I'll address the crowd in a later post, but I was EXTREMELY disappointed that our section wasn't on its feet for LSU's final drive. I couldn't believe it. Also very hard to tell exactly how loud it is being in the upper deck--I'm glad to take everyone's word about how loud it was down below, though.

LBG: Yeah, it was kind of brutal--we were staying in B'ham, so we got in about 1 p.m., tailgated, watched the game, and left again right afterwards. Maybe next time we'll get to hang around a bit longer. said...

It is impressive how much you can drive to watch a game. I wouldn't do something like that for a game.